Today I listened to Strangefolk's 'Lore,' and was reminded how great an album it is. It is truly one of my all time favorites of any genre. Released in 1997 by the Vermont jamband, it's not just the catchy songwriting, great vocals, slick guitar riffs and precision drumming that make it so smooth. On headphones, the bass sounds amazing, bouncy and full of creativity, and I realized that the mix on this album is just perfect for my taste. The whole album is imbued with the joy and happiness of playing music and living life simply, close to nature; things I love best about places like Vermont, New England, Alaska, Africa and Norway. The refrain of the last song might as well be my mantra:
"...I may grow old that's what I'm told but I ain't never gonna die,
cuz we live in and of each other we will remain,
and we give and so discover we will remain."